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Tips On How PN Patients Can Socialize During Quarantine
Now more than ever, our patients are searching for ways to connect with us, each other, their medical care team and their loved ones. Here are some tips that we want to share on how to stay connected during these weeks/months of quarantine:
Online platforms (Zoom, Skype, Google) enable us to stay in regular contact with friends, family, and medical professionals in the comfort of our own home while remaining safe.
Did you know that many doctor visits are now taking place remotely? Ask your doctor if this is something he/she offers if you feel uncomfortable leaving your home during quarantine.
Social hangouts (such as virtual weddings and birthday celebrations) are becoming popular while we’re social distancing. Set one up for yourself or a loved one so that these special occasions aren’t forgotten.
Want to join an existing book club or start your own with a few friends and family members? Books have been proven to help decrease stress, improve teamwork skills and allows everyone to remain active in their communities.
Consider joining one of our virtual PN support groups to stay connected with other PN patients! Especially during this time, patients need to share thoughts, cares, and anxieties with others. You are not alone! If your local group is no longer meeting due to COVID-19, consider joining an e-group or asking your group leader to make your sessions available remotely.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this living well tips is not intended to substitute for informed medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting a qualified health care provider. You are strongly encouraged to consult a neurologist with any questions or comments you may have regarding your condition. The best care can only be given by a qualified provider who knows you personally.