The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy (FPN) is pleased to welcome the University of Michigan as a new site for patient enrollments into the Peripheral Neuropathy Research Registry. In this article, FPN’s Executive Director interviews the newest researcher to join this special team, Dr. Amro Stino, and why this new partnership will be fruitful for the peripheral neuropathy research community.
The Importance of the PNRR
Since its inception in 2008, the Peripheral Neuropathy Research Registry (the PNRR) has been a unique resource for the peripheral neuropathy research community. It is the only biobank with human samples of DNA, plasma and serum, from peripheral neuropathy patients currently with over 2,000 samples for researchers and scientists to access for their studies.
This biobank is used to facilitate both clinical and basic research studies – with already a few published papers sourced from its data and more projects already underway.
FPN is excited to welcome the University of Michigan as a new enrollment site for patients who are interested in participating in this research. They join the network of other partners, including Beth Israel, Johns Hopkins University, Mount Sinai, Northwestern University, the University of Kansas, the University of Utah, and Washington University in St. Louis. FPN’s collection sites have been selected based on the patient populations they serve, their geographic location, and their willingness and ability to participate in the PNRR specimen and data collection.
Want to participate in the PNRR?
Patients often ask how they can participate in the PNRR. Currently, patients who have neuropathy caused by chemotherapy, diabetes, HIV/AIDS or are idiopathic (unknown cause) can be considered for this research program. Additionally, patients who are able and willing to travel to one of the enrollment sites are encouraged to do so and get a thorough examination to verify the qualification needs. For more information, please review the patient PNRR Brochure.
Meet the New Principal Investigator, Dr. Amro Stino
Lindsay Colbert, FPN’s Executive Director, recently sat down with Dr. Amro Stino, University of Michigan’s Principal Investigator in this research project, to learn more about him and his interest in PN, the Foundation and it’s biobank.
Q: Dr. Stino, how long have you been a neurologist and focusing on peripheral neuropathy?
Dr. Stino: For eight years now.
Q: We’re excited that the University of Michigan is a new enrollment site in the PN Research Registry as of February 2021. How did you learn about FPN and the PNRR?
Dr. Stino: Dr. Gordon Smith, a former Principal Investigator for the PNRR at the University of Utah and a current board member of the Foundation, is a friend and mentor. I had also been aware of the work being done in the FPN space, and was eager to be part of it.
Q: Dr. Stino, are you hopeful that we will find cures for peripheral neuropathy in the future?
Dr. Stino: I am. I personally believe every disease has a cure, and we just need to find it. I think data regarding dietary and exercise impact on metabolic syndrome early and small fiber neuropathy reversal is very encouraging.
Q: When seeing patients, what is the most helpful thing you can tell them?
Dr. Stino: I always advise patients to establish goals of care in any clinical visit. Is their goal to run? Get pain relief? In general, if there is a fall risk, I counsel them extensively on the fact that fall risk (while not as noticeable as pain) is the greatest risk to health.
To access the full interview with Dr. Stino, please open up our Spring Newsletter.
Thank you, Dr. Stino, and please join us in welcoming the University of Michigan to the FPN research team!