Clinician presenting on a topic.

Working together we can better the lives of more people

Interested in applying for funding for research related to Peripheral Neuropathy? Our funding is available year-round and is chosen based on research topic and donor interest.

Read More About What We Fund

The goals of our research grants program

  1. Encourage promising new investigators to undertake research on regeneration and recovery, particularly with respect to the peripheral nerves.
  2. Encourage researchers who are well-established in other areas to transfer their efforts to peripheral neuropathy research.
  3. Enable researchers with novel ideas to test their ideas and develop pilot data for seeking larger awards from NIH and other funding sources.

Research grants are approved in a two stage process

For more information please review our Grant Guidelines.

Please complete our Letter of Intent (LOI) and submit it for review via email at [email protected].

If your LOI is approved for Stage II, we will notify you via email to complete our detailed online grant application that must be submitted no later than 4-6 weeks prior to the application deadline (TBD).

Learn more about this study aimed at gathering information from patients with IgM paraprotein-associated peripheral neuropathy including those with anti-MAG antibodies for future study and research.

  • Northwestern University logo.
  • Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center logo
  • University of Utah School of Medicine logo
  • Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine logo
  • Neurology clinic logo.
  • CHU Bicetre logo.
  • Sant Pau Instituto de Investigación logo
  • HCL logo
  • AARHUS logo.
What We Do

Help improve the lives of those with PN. Your contribution helps us support research and provide an improved quality of life for those affected.