
eNews October 2021

A Comprehensive Guide to the Top Pain-Relieving Devices on the Market

Managing chronic pain takes work. Between appointments with your doctor, pain specialist, physical therapist, acupuncturist, and massage therapist, there are medications to keep up with, diet, exercise, and stress-reduction routines to follow – we know that the struggle is real.

Through a great resource, Practical Pain Management, we’re happy to share a comprehensive guide to the top pain-relieving devices currently on the market.

Click here.

Always check with your doctor before starting any new treatment or regimen to ensure that the treatment is appropriate for you.

Tens unit.

COVID & Peripheral Nerve Injuries

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has led to the recognition of possible long-term and unexpected complications, whether caused directly by infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) or not. An interesting new study discusses the occurrence of peripheral nerve injuries in a subset of patients who survived severe COVID-19.

Read more.


Did you miss our webinar on Hereditary Neuropathy and Genetic Testing?

If you missed our webinar last month on Hereditary Neuropathy and Genetic Testing, you can watch the recording here.

FPN thanks Alnylam Pharmaceuticals for sponsoring the event and Dr. Brett McCray and Christy Smith for sharing their expertise on the subject.

Please check our website to stay current with our upcoming educational programs – all virtual and free to the public. We hope to “see” you soon!


Small Fiber Neuropathy vs Fibromyalgia?

Small fiber neuropathy can sometimes resemble and overlap with fibromyalgia, and hence may be significantly under-diagnosed in the U.S.

Read more.

Neck pain.

Neuropathic Pain Study

A study was recently conducted on animal subjects to determine the effect of chronic pain and nerve injury on the central and peripheral nervous system as well as whether certain treatments can lead to pain relief and tissue repair.

While this study was small, and has a long way to go before we can make conclusions in humans, it was noted that certain treatments did seem to restore normal structures, which would assume a relief in nerve pain.

Learn more.



The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing is conducting a study to learn more about the experiences of people with PN.

Project HEALING: Health, Empowerment, Autonomy & Learning in Neuropathy Groups has begun an anonymous, online survey that will explore symptoms, physical and psychological limitations, self-management activities and coping strategies. The goal is to learn more about what’s important to people with neuropathy (in phase I) to help develop a state-of-the-art program that addresses the most common symptoms and limitations that impact quality of life (in phase II).

Project HEALING is now recruiting people ages 18 and over who are currently experiencing symptoms of peripheral neuropathy to take a 20-minute survey.

Take the Survey.


Thank you for your continued support and interest in our programs!

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy provides education and support today as we walk toward a cure for tomorrow.

Support us in advancing a cure!

FPN is a non-profit organization that is solely funded by our readers.

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Help improve the lives of those with PN. Your contribution helps us support research and provide an improved quality of life for those affected.