Homemade granola

Healthy Eating for Peripheral Neuropathy: Make Your Own Granola

Chef Bill Nolan shares a recipe for healthy and hearty granola.

Whenever possible I try to make my own versions of what you might normally buy at the store. Truth be told, if there were more hours in the day, I’d make a lot of these types of items. When we make our own, we eliminate the additives (chemicals and way too much sodium) that are unfortunately included in so many products. When you purchase higher-end items that are “cleaner” they’re always more expensive. So, make your own!

Homemade is Best!

Over the years I have made my own kombucha, home canned items such as pickles, fermented vegetables, canned tomatoes, beets, and more. Recently, I decided to start making my own granola. I got the recipe from a friend and it’s called Paleo Granola. I’m not a Paleo diet person, but I decided to give it a try. Wow! The absolute best granola I’ve ever had, and it’s also gluten free. I started giving it away to friends and had to stop and just give them the recipe, they kept asking me to make more for them and I didn’t have the time! This granola is pretty much nuts and seeds, with a few other items thrown in.

How to use it, how to store it

I use it in a variety of ways – on top of Greek yogurt, on top of cooked oatmeal (it gives it a nice crunch and contrast in textures), and even have mixed it in my cereal to fortify it. It keeps very well; I like to store it at room temperature in Mason jars. No need to vacuum seal it, but if you have a machine that does that, go right ahead. Without vacuum sealing, I’ve been able to keep it on the shelf for several weeks.

Why is it good for you?

This granola contains anti-inflammatories, essential B vitamins, and omega 3 fatty acids.

Flax, Walnuts, Chia Seeds: Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Sunflower Seeds: B1 vitamins
Almonds: B2 vitamins
Pumpkin Seeds: Potassium
Coconut oil: Reduces inflammation

The Recipe

Here is the recipe for Chef Nolan’s Paleo (and just plain good) Granola.

Pro tip: Make sure to mix the ingredients half-way thru to promote even roasting. I like to also spread it out on parchment paper after it comes out of the oven to let it cool completely before storing.

For more information on healthy eating with peripheral neuropathy, click here.

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