Peripheral Neuropathy Research – Valuing the Patient’s Perspective
Sandra Rieger, Ph.D., conducts peripheral neuropathy research at MDI Biological Laboratory. A recent attendee of the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy 2016 International Research Symposium in Chicago, she recently wrote a post for the MDI Biological Laboratory’s blog, “Breaking Through,” that addresses in part her experiences at our symposium.
Dr. Rieger’s article, The Patient Perspective: How Patient Interaction Helps Laboratory Research (click on this link) describes several opportunities she had to experience the benefits of interacting directly with patients suffering from peripheral neuropathy.
In anticipation of our readers wondering how they might get involved, Dr. Rieger explained to FPN that her research is moving ahead, but it is not yet at the clinical trial stage. The laboratory would like to keep you informed of her progress, however. If you would like to receive news updates, please join the laboratory’s mailing list or visit their online blog.
For more information about Dr. Rieger’s NIH funded research into chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy, click here.