Advancing Peripheral Neuropathy

Study Protocol on IgM Anti-Mag Neuropathy Released

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy (FPN) is pleased that the IMAGiNe study protocol has been approved for publication in the Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System.

The focus of this international study is a rare autoimmune cause of PN. It is identified by high levels of the IgM protein in the blood of affected patients, often connected with a monoclonal gammopathy undetermined significance (MGUS). Commonly referred to as “anti-MAG” PN, affected patients typically face functional disabilities and severe limitations in their daily activities and quality of life.

The IMAGiNe Study

The IMAGiNe study was initiated by the European Neuromuscular Center in 2016. Primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic, work was delayed and the protocol was released only recently. Funding for the research program was initiated by FPN Board President, Lou Mazawey. FPN itself has also been contributing funds for patient enrollments. There is an enrollment goal of at least 500 subjects for the study registry.

Descriptions of the disease course, clinical heterogeneity, treatment regimes, variations in laboratory values and antibody titers, are intended to help reach consensus on diagnosis and follow-up strategies for anti-MAG patients. The ultimate goals are to improve functional individualized assessment, reach international consensus, and lay the foundation for future studies.

FPN is grateful to all study participants and sites, including directly funding Johns Hopkins, Michigan Medicine, Hospital Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Hôpital Bicêtre AP-HP, Clinical Center of Serbia, Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Hospices Civils de Lyon, and Aarhus University Hospital. FPN also gives a special thanks to Tatiana Hamadeh, Department of Neurology, Maastricht University Medical Center, the Netherlands, for her partnership and dedication to the project.

Learn more

To learn more about this research study, go to FPN’s webpage dedicated to the IMAGiNe Study. Questions or interest in this study can be directed to FPN Executive Director, Lindsay Colbert at [email protected].

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