PN summer web series kicks off in July! Learn more

August 2023

August is sure to be a HOT month – and we’re not just talking about the temperature outside! After the recent wins in our advocacy work and an exciting matching gift campaign that launched this month, the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy continues its third quarter of the year with promise and excitement. Thank you for continuing to be a part of our mighty community, and we hope you enjoy this month’s issue!

Coping with Chronic Pain

Coping with Chronic Pain

Brooke Gottesman is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) working in mental health since 2004. She is currently in part-time private practice in NY with a specialization in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) working with patients managing chronic pain. Brooke is also a peripheral neuropathy patient, diagnosed with small fiber neuropathy in 2018.

Brooke chronicles her journey and shares her personal and professional expertise in CBT and other strategies to help others manage living with PN.

Read more.

Double Your Reach

On August 1, FPN Board member Van Salmans launched the Van Salmans’ Matching Gift Campaign. He is pledging to match $50,000 in gifts to FPN through September 30, for the purpose of funding more research to find improved therapies and cures. It’s only through research that we will find cures. When you make your gift to Van Salmans’ Matching Gift Campaign, you will double your impact, and your dollar will go twice as far. 

Read more about Van’s journey here.

You can help researchers better understand Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN): Survey Opportunity

FPN is excited to announce that our partners at Inspire are conducting a study to help researchers better understand the experiences of people living with MMN. Take a brief survey and earn a $50 gift card.

Learn more.

PN renewed in 2024 Defense Appropriations Bill

Two HUGE Advocacy Wins for PN

For the past four years, FPN has been actively engaged in a campaign to increase federal funding for peripheral neuropathy research. On July 27, PN was renewed in the Department of Defense bill. Read more.

On the same day, PN was also recognized by the U.S. Senate in the Labor-Health and Human Services-Education Appropriations Act for a more coordinated research need for the National Institutes of Health. Read about this breakthrough.

Both achievements mean that PN will start to get the attention it deserves and will inevitably bring more research dollars dedicated to this devastating condition.

CIDP Webinar

Join FPN on Friday, August 18, at 12 p.m., Central Time, for our live webinar CIDP: From Soup to Nuts with Sami Khella, MD.

Dr. Khella will discuss different ways a patient should manage the condition, from when a patient seeks diagnosis to possible treatment options. The program will also highlight how chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) varies from other forms of neuropathies. There will be a Q & A with Dr. Khella following the presentation.

Link to webinar recording.