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June 2022



The Peripheral Nerve Society (PNS) Annual Meeting was held in Miami in May 2022. The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy is pleased to be able to provide a summary of some of the clinical studies presented at the conference.


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The Global Burden of Polyneuropathy


FPN’s Executive Director Lindsay Colbert was recently in attendance for a presentation by Melissa Elafros, MD, PhD, of the University of Michigan; Michelle Kvalsund, DO, MS, of the University of Zambia; and Brian Callahan MD, MS, of the University of Michigan at the Peripheral Nerve Society Annual Meeting in Miami.


FPN shares a summary of their study, The Global Burden of Polyneuropathy – In Need of Accurate Assessment as it appeared in the JAMA Neurology.

Read summary.

Read summary.

Anti-MAG Peripheral Neuropathy


In a recently published paper by the Journal of Neurology, this rare condition of peripheral neuropathy is discussed – including treatments, ongoing challenges, and whether there really is a connection between high IgM levels and neuropathies. For those that are affected by anti-MAG neuropathy, you know that it is an extremely challenging form to treat and comes in many shapes and sizes.


Read more.


FPN is pleased to announce that a webinar on anti-MAG peripheral neuropathy is scheduled for June 27, featuring Dr. Richard A. Lewis, MD of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. This is a must-see program!


Register now.

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The Gut’s Role in Neuropathic Pain


Research presented at the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) annual meeting over a decade ago first showed that individuals with inflammatory bowel disease were about four times more likely to develop neuromuscular conditions, including carpal tunnel syndrome and small fiber neuropathy, and six times more likely to have sensorimotor polyneuropathy.


Since then, investigations have confirmed that the bidirectional communication between the gut and brain involves immune, neural, endocrine, and metabolic routes, and that the microbiota-gut-brain axis is the nexus of interactions among them.


Click here to read the article highlighted in the journal Practical Pain Management.

Using Tai Chi to Improve Health


If you’re curious to learn more about tai chi and its benefits, read this article. Because this type of movement is low impact, tai chi is generally safe for a wide range of fitness levels and ages. Research suggests it’s helpful in reducing depression and pain, improving balance and sleep quality, and a fun way to stay in motion.


Read article.

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The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy provides education and support today

as we walk toward a cure for tomorrow.

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