Nerve Damage After Hip Surgery May Be Due to Inflammation

A recent article links some nerve damage after hip surgery to inflammatory neuropathy. In this study, researchers examined patients who developed inflammatory neuropathies, where the immune system attacks the nerves, leading to weakness and pain.  READ MORE   Source: ScienceDaily […]

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New Clues to Causes of Peripheral Nerve Damage

Research has long focused on the breakdown of cellular energy factories as a contributing factor in PN. Researchers at Washington University Schoold of Medicine, led by Jeffrey Milbrandt, MD, PhD., James S. McDonnell Professor of Genetics and head of the Department of Genetics, have new research that points to a more central role in damage […]

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Friends Make Pain Less Painful

Researchers studied two separate groups of lab mice to find that social interaction can lessen the pain from nerve damage. Mice who lived with a ‘social partner’ were able to withstand much higher levels of pain. These results imply that simply not being alone can be effective as an alternative treatment for PN. READ MORE […]

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Another Reason to Exercise: Pain Relief

Physicians in Taiwan have published a new study that finds that getting active may actually help alleviate some pain, including that related to nerve damage. Researchers, including Yu-Wen Chen, PhD, studied the effects of exercise as a treatment of nerve-related pain in laboratory animals. The article provides a link to the exercise page on the FPN […]

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