
eNews December 2023

Happiest of holidays to you and yours from the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy. We are so grateful for your continued support in our organization, whether you already made your gift to our year end campaign, told someone about us on Giving Tuesday or recently received your PN swag. Thank you and stay safe, cozy and healthy during this season!

PN Biobank Research

Participate in our PN Biobank Research

Did you know that FPN oversees the only biobank of peripheral neuropathy patient DNA samples? You, or a loved one, may qualify to participate in this critical research study.

Watch this video and learn more.

Wrist pain

How Do Seasonal Weather Changes Affect People with Neurologic Disorders?

Many aspects of weather — including barometric pressure fluctuations and hot and cold temperatures —can affect people with neurologic conditions. This article from Brain & Life shares personal stories from patients and helpful tips from neurologists.

Read more.

Research Publication on Neuropathic Pain in Idiopathic Patients

New Research Publication on Neuropathic Pain in Idiopathic Patients

Why only half of the idiopathic peripheral polyneuropathy (IPN) patients develop neuropathic pain is unknown. By conducting a proteomics analysis on IPN patients, FPN’s very own consortium of research partners aimed to discover proteins and new pathways that are associated with neuropathic pain.

Read the study results here.

For more research publications that emerged from the PN Research Registry, go here.

Government building

New Research Publication on Anti-MAG Neuropathy

Anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) neuropathy is a debilitating demyelinating polyneuropathy with no approved therapies. A recent study emerged from the FPN-funded iMAGiNE Study. Comprised of top institutions from around the world, the study collects biosamples of patients who suffer from anti-MAG neuropathy to learn more about this disease. This research study’s primary objective was to ascertain lenalidomide safety and maximum tolerated dose (MTD) in anti-MAG neuropathy.

Read the study results here.


Research Study Offers Hope in Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP)

A study shows that a subcutaneous infusion of efgartigimod cut the risk of relapse in patients with a rare but immune-mediated severe neuropathy, according to the phase II ADHERE trial.

Learn more.

Resolve Your Trauma & Prevent Disease

Tips To Resolve Your Trauma & Prevent Disease

Your emotional well-being can influence your physical health; just take it from Gaber Maté, MD. “We can’t separate the mind from the body, the individual from the environment,” he says. Everyone’s road to trauma healing looks a little different, but if you don’t mend your deep, psychological wounds, it’s nearly impossible to stay well.

Read more.

Help improve the lives of those with PN. Your contribution helps us support research and provide an improved quality of life for those affected.