Tammy’s Story: Helping Others Helped Me!
Helping Others, Help Yourself!
Help for PN: My issues started probably 5-6 years ago. We we know, PN is very hard to diagnose. With that being said, I was treated for carpal tunnel, they switched my cholesterol meds, and I said lots of prayers as we didn’t know what was going on! After a nerve conduction study, I FINALLY I got some answers. I was soon to learn that what treatments work for some may not work others and it can surely be very discouraging!
Being in the healthcare field for years and helping others has always been the most rewarding thing for me.
So when I stumbled upon the Facebook support group, Peripheral Neuropathy Success Stories, I started seeing some positivity and it uplifted me! I think that this group has been a huge factor in helping so many people, including me! Success stories are highlighted each day in the group and I think that gives others an incentive to see what they may be able to accomplish. It definitely give us a feeling of being able to to overcome some of the perils of neuropathy.
Help for PN: Comfort in Unexpected Places
I had to quit work, due to my doctor’s advice. Yes, I was feeling down really down! My feet! It’s hard to walk and we live on a beautiful farm. I used to love to walk around. When I began the frequent falling, I thought what will I do!
Well now I have made just a few changes that have helped me so much. I use a cane or walking stick and I quickly found that quitting work was truly a blessing. I now have my coffee on the porch each morning, looking at all of the nature and scenery around me. Last year, I was able to enjoy the beautiful flowers that I never got to see much! I now get to spend time with precious four legged fur babies. I’m not stressed trying to rush to get socks and shoes, always relying on my sweet husband to help. Now, I take my time. Slowing down, not stressing, enjoying every minute that I was unable to do before. I was also able to spend quality time with my mother during her final months. My motto is “Everything happens for a reason…”
Help for PN: Buddy Up!
The Buddy Up program within PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY SUCCESS STORIES has been a highlight for me. As a buddy, I find deep satisfaction in connecting with individuals who share similar experiences and just need someone who understands. Often, they struggle to communicate with family members who can’t relate. By sharing my journey, I offer them hope and inspiration to explore new hobbies and distractions. Personally, painting has been a therapeutic escape from pain for me. Keeping busy and engaged is crucial, and finding support is paramount. Through the Facebook group and sister groups like “SNAP!”, I’ve discovered a community that both distracts and entertains me, allowing me to connect globally from the comfort of home.
Help for PN: Laughter is the Best Medicine
Neuropathy is painful, but don’t let it get you down! Yes, some days are worse than others, but I take my cane and my mask and get out in public a lot. There are days I don’t want to get out of bed and when my feet hit the floor, I just start praying. I keep pushing forward. I also try so hard to make people laugh as laughter is really the best medicine; if I can make at least one person smile each day, I feel like I have accomplished one of my missions!
Bristol VA
For more information about the Buddy Up! Program, contact us at [email protected].
For more information about support groups, go to our website here.