Join the NEPTUNE-17 clinical trial for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain (DPNP)

Neuropathy in the feet.

Does diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain (DPNP) disrupt your daily life and keep you awake at night despite your current treatment? You are not alone. The NEPTUNE-17 clinical trial, hosted by the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy Research Impact’s partner, GSK, offers a potential new option for managing DPNP symptoms. You may be eligible to participate in the trial if you: You will also need […]

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Have you been diagnosed with CIDP? A clinical research study (ARISE) is now enrolling to evaluate an investigational medication.

Janssen Arise

Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) is a rare disease where the body’s natural defenses, like antibodies, attack the covering of the nerves, called myelin, and damage nerve function. While symptoms aren’t the same for everyone, CIDP can make your arms and legs feel weak and slow your movements. The purpose of the ARISE Study is […]

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RxFunction’s walk2Wellness Study Adds a New Site

RxFunction’s walk2wellness study has added Johns Hopkins in Baltimore Maryland as its fifth site for its ongoing clinical trial of its Walkasins Lower Limb Sensory Neuroprosthesis. The study is designed to assess Walkasins’ use on peripheral neuropathy patients at high-fall risk. Patients may now enroll at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, as well as other study […]

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What is metabolic syndrome, what does it have to do with neuropathy, and what can we do about it?

Doctor making notes.

by Shanna Patterson, MD Around the New Year many people think about resolutions. For those of us contemplating how we can be our healthiest selves, this often includes recommitting to a healthy diet and exercise. Interestingly though it’s common to associate peripheral neuropathy with elevated blood sugar and diabetes, many may not be aware that […]

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IMAGiNe Study on anti-MAG IgM paraprotein-associated peripheral neuropathy expanding in the U.S.

Tubes of blood.

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy (FPN) is pleased to announce a new partnership to further research on anti-MAG IgM paraprotein-associated peripheral neuropathy. FPN will be partnering with the IMAGiNe study, a global research collaborative focusing on anti-MAG and IgM paraprotein-associated peripheral neuropathy. Thanks to a donation from the Atlantic Philanthropies Director/Employee Designated Gift Fund, FPN […]

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Comparison of treatment in real life situations (pain controls)

A common cause of neuropathy is diabetes, but in about 25 to 50% of the population no cause is found.  This group is often referred to as cryptogenic sensory polyneuropathy (CSPN).  This study looks at four different drugs in patients with CSPN and plan to determine which drug is most effective: nortriptyline, duloxetine, pregabalin, or mexiletine.  […]

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