PN summer web series kicks off in July! Learn more



The Peripheral Nerve Society Annual Meeting was held in Miami in May 2022. The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy is pleased to be able to provide PNS Meeting 2022 highlights, summarizing some of the clinical studies presented at the conference. Study teams reported on natural history studies and (clinical) intervention trials for peripheral neuropathies who concluded …

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Peripheral Neuropathy and Mental Health

Mental health can become a concern for patients with chronic conditions such as peripheral neuropathy. During recent months when the pandemic has disrupted many of our usual routines, mental health for patients and their families can become even more of an issue. The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy asked two experts on the subject for their …

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syringe drawing from vaccine bottle

COVID-19 Vaccine and Peripheral Neuropathy

Should Patients with Peripheral Neuropathy Get the COVID-19 Vaccine? The approval of two vaccines for COVID-19 has raised a very basic and important question: Are the COVID-19 vaccines safe for patients with peripheral neuropathy? What we know: In December 2020, two COVID-19 vaccines were approved by the US Food and Drug Administration: one manufactured by …

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Neurological Symptoms Following COVID-19

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy asked Dr. Shanna Patterson and Dr. Rory Abrams, FPN’s Patient Education Advisors, what they are seeing in relation to neurological symptoms following COVID-19. The doctors shared the following information. What do we know about COVID-19? COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus was first described in December 2019 in Wuhan, …

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Ronald Lissak

COVID-19 Worsened Ron Lissak’s Neuropathy, but Strengthened his Family

Ron Lissak, FPN Board member, was interviewed by Brain & Life magazine for their most recent issue (June/July 2020) on his experience with COVID-19 and peripheral neuropathy. Here is the article as it appeared in Brain & Life June/July, 2020 About 11 years ago, I was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. As a result, I have …

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Ask The Expert, Part 2: Peripheral Neuropathy and COVID-19

Following our latest Ask the Expert session, the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy‘s Executive Director, Lindsay Colbert, asked its Scientific Advisory Board Chairman, Dr. Ahmet Höke MD, PhD, additional questions which came directly from the Foundation’s patients. We are continually learning about COVID-19 and its impact on peripheral neuropathy patients. We hope that you find the …

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Ask The Expert: Peripheral Neuropathy and COVID-19

Earlier this week, the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy‘s Executive Director, Lindsay Colbert, sat down with its Scientific Advisory Board Chairman, Dr. Ahmet Höke, MD, PhD, to learn more about COVID-19 and its impact on peripheral neuropathy patients. We confirmed that people with peripheral neuropathy are not at an increased risk of being infected with COVID-19, …

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