Shanna Patterson, MD, MS, joins our Board of Directors

Foundation update.

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy (FPN) welcomes Shanna K. Patterson, MD, MS, who joined our Board of Directors effective January 1, 2025. She brings an exceptional blend of clinical expertise, academic leadership, and a long-standing commitment to improving the lives of individuals living with peripheral neuropathy. Patterson has deep roots in the neurology profession and community Patterson currently serves as the […]

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Which diet to choose for heatlhy eating with neuropathy

Healthy Eating for Neuropathy: The choice of diet Dr. Shanna Patterson discusses both pros and cons of new and familiar diets for peripheral neuropathy patients exploring eating for health. Eating for Health Numerous studies have shown that Americans in general are drawn toward wanting to learn about and try alternative medicine approaches for medical ailments, […]

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Neurological Symptoms Following COVID-19

Covid 19

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy asked Dr. Shanna Patterson and Dr. Rory Abrams, FPN’s Patient Education Advisors, what they are seeing in relation to neurological symptoms following COVID-19. The doctors shared the following information. What do we know about COVID-19? COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus was first described in December 2019 in Wuhan, […]

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Healthy Eating for Neuropathy: The choice of diet

Fresh veggies

Dr. Shanna Patterson discusses both pros and cons of new and familiar diets for peripheral neuropathy patients exploring eating for health. Eating for Health Numerous studies have shown that Americans in general are drawn toward wanting to learn about and try alternative medicine approaches for medical ailments, including peripheral neuropathy. Dietary approaches for health are […]

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Slow Down for Summer: Mindfulness for Patients with Peripheral Neuropathy


Shanna Patterson, MD, and Kripa Ahuja provide insight on mindfulness and its positive impact for patients with peripheral neuropathy. Does Mindfulness Help? Summer is a time for relaxation, reflection, and rejuvenation. In the spirit of slowing down, we wanted to take this opportunity to delve into the topic of mindfulness. Mindfulness has proliferated in the […]

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Neuromodulation for Refractory Neuropathic Pain

Neuron web.

Dr. Brian Kopell, Professor of Neurosurgery, Center for Neuromodulation, Mount Sinai West, and Dr. Shanna Patterson, Assistant Professor of Neurology, Mount Sinai West, spoke with the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy about neuromodulation and it how it can help peripheral neuropathy patients. A transcript of the conversation is presented below. SP: While many patients are familiar […]

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What is metabolic syndrome, what does it have to do with neuropathy, and what can we do about it?

Doctor making notes.

by Shanna Patterson, MD Around the New Year many people think about resolutions. For those of us contemplating how we can be our healthiest selves, this often includes recommitting to a healthy diet and exercise. Interestingly though it’s common to associate peripheral neuropathy with elevated blood sugar and diabetes, many may not be aware that […]

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Stem Cell Treatments: A real hope or false promise?


The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy receives many inquiries from patients about stem cell treatments for peripheral neuropathy. An article, ‘Snake Oil’ Stem Cell Clinics Peddle False Hope for High Prices recently appeared in The Medium ( on the rise of stem cell treatments for any number of conditions. Is it a real hope or false […]

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Dr. Shanna Patterson joins as the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy Patient Education Program Advisor

Dr. Shanna Patterson joins as the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy Patient Education Program Advisor

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy (FPN) is pleased to announce that Dr. Shanna Patterson has agreed to serve as an advisor to FPN on patient education programs. Dr. Patterson will be providing input on patient communications as well as offering her expertise for new and existing patient programs. Shanna K. Patterson, MD is an Assistant […]

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