Stress and Peripheral Neuropathy

During these unprecedented times, stress has been even more prevalent in everyday life. For patients with peripheral neuropathy, it is imperative to identify the factors that are causing stress in order to help eliminate those factors as best as one can. Research published in 2017 notes that chronic stress may worsen neuropathic pain. Please be on […]

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Slow Down for Summer: Mindfulness for Patients with Peripheral Neuropathy


Shanna Patterson, MD, and Kripa Ahuja provide insight on mindfulness and its positive impact for patients with peripheral neuropathy. Does Mindfulness Help? Summer is a time for relaxation, reflection, and rejuvenation. In the spirit of slowing down, we wanted to take this opportunity to delve into the topic of mindfulness. Mindfulness has proliferated in the […]

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Living with Neuropathy: Meditation

living with neuropathy

Can meditation make living with neuropathy easier? Meditation is simply the practice of being still, paying attention to the body, and focusing on breathing. There are as many ways to meditate as there are people who practice meditation. They range from the simple action of breathing slowly and deeply, and counting the breaths, to meditations, such […]

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Ezy Tai Chi: A Simpler Practice for Seniors

Tai Chi

As a form of exercise, tai chi increasingly appeals to the growing proportion of older adults that looks for alternative and convenient ways to exercise for health. Originally developed for martial arts purposes in China more than 300 hundred years ago, this practice has been used as a traditional exercise to improve fitness, health and […]

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Want to Live Longer? Try Tai Chi

Dr. Xianglan Chang, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, has just published results of a recent study indicating that Chinese men who practice Tai Chi were less likely to die over a five-year period than men who didn’t exercise at all.  READ MORE Source: Denver Post […]

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