Tell Us Your Story!
With more than 30 million patients in the US alone suffering from peripheral neuropathy, more people should know about the disease – and there should be more efforts toward finding treatments and a cure.
We want to hear YOUR story, what YOU wish people knew about peripheral neuropathy.
Here’s how you can do it:
- What You Wish People Knew About PN:
Tell us! Take a 30-second video on your smartphone or device (make sure it is in MP4 format and shot holding the device vertically) with your answer to that question: What do you wish people knew about PN? Send it to [email protected] with your name and contact information, and the message: “I agree to allow you to use my video in a public service announcement for FPN and peripheral neuropathy.” We will compile the videos to be used for a peripheral neuropathy awareness campaign later in the year. We won’t share your contact information, but if you send us your video we will assume you are OK for us to use all or a part of it for our awareness campaign. But send us those video clips soon! We will collecting videos during Peripheral Neuropathy Awareness Week May 9 – May 16, 2021, and through the end of May only!
- Inspire Others with Your Story:
We publish a Face of PN every month, highlighting stories of inspiration from our constituents and friends. Do you have a story that you want to share?
Submit your story here.
Want to help us even more? Join the FPN Ambassador committee. The FPN Ambassadors generously give their time and talent to spread awareness, raise funds, and engage and expand our media presence.