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Hereditary and idiopathic neuropathies

New Discovery May Lead to New Approach to Treating Neuropathy Pain

Blocking the Pathway of Neuropathy Pain

An international collaboration between Indiana University in Bloomington and the Turku Center for Biotechnology in Finland made early inroads into a new approach to reducing neuropathy pain.

The researchers identified the correlation between the formation of a certain protein in the cell (NOS1AP) and the transmission of neurological pain. By disrupting the formation of this protein and the resultant biological pathway, pain is reduced. The researchers were able to demonstrate that an experimental molecule with this modified pathway was able to reduce the pain as a result of nerve damage and certain chemotherapy treatments in rodents.

A Better Nerve Blocker

The current research also seems to suggest that this treatment may be feasible without the severe side effects attributable to current drugs designed to block the pain receptors or alter the biological pathway.

Next steps

The formation of the NOSiAP protein and its contribution to chronic pain warrants more study in the quest for chronic pain relief.

More information on this research can be found in this announcement from the University of Turku.

For more news on peripheral neuropathy research, go to the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy.

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