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Share the Facts for Peripheral Neuropathy Awareness 2021

Share the Facts!

Help increase awareness of peripheral neuropathy by sharing key facts with your social networks and your community, during Peripheral Neuropathy Awareness week and beyond.

More than 30 million people in the United States alone experience symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, and even more people worldwide. And yet, it is still a secret disease: no one has heard of it, not enough treatments are available for it, and not enough funding is being made available for research on it.

Peripheral Neuropathy Facts

Here are some ways you can share the facts about peripheral neuropathy:

  • Learn more about peripheral neuropathy (What is PN?)
  • Share information about peripheral neuropathy
    • See if your doctor will put some of these brochures in his/her office
    • Share this brochure with a friend who may be interested in this information
    • Check our catalogue of articles.
    • Watch our Patient Education Videos and other educational resources on PN.
  • Share the facts by tweet:

#PeripheralNeuropathy effects more than 30 million people in the U.S. alone, more around the world. #PeripheralNeuropathyAwareness

#PeripheralNeuropathy is a life-altering condition that makes the hands & feet painful or tingle and can effect balance. #PeripheralNeuropathyAwareness

#PeripheralNeuropathy needs more research dollars to bring treatments and a cure. #PeripheralNeuropathyAwareness


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