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Brain-Based Balance Exercises

Brain-Based Exercises for Balance Enhancement: You might ask, how do we create exercises that impact the brain? These exercises use our senses: touch, smell, sight, sound, taste, and the inner ear in specific patterns to get the desired outcome. This approach of combining exercises builds better neural pathways to influence balance. One of the best …

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RxFunction’s walk2Wellness Study Adds a New Site

RxFunction’s walk2wellness study has added Johns Hopkins in Baltimore Maryland as its fifth site for its ongoing clinical trial of its Walkasins Lower Limb Sensory Neuroprosthesis. The study is designed to assess Walkasins’ use on peripheral neuropathy patients at high-fall risk. Patients may now enroll at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, as well as other study …

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Positive preliminary results on product to help PN patients with balance

RxFunction, announced positive interim results from its walk2Wellness study on Walkasins, a product designed to help peripheral neuropathy patients with balance issues. The results were presented by Lars Oddsson, PhD, Chief Technology Officer of RxFunction, at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine in November 2019. The research update represented interim data from the first 30 …

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5 Tips for Maintaining Good Balance & Preventing Falls

Falling is no laughing matter. Patients with Parkinson’s disease, peripheral neuropathy, lower extremity weakness, sensory loss, and substantial vision loss have a higher risk of falling. Good balance requires reliable sensory input from an individual’s vision, vestibular system (the balance system of the inner ear), and proprioceptors (sensors of position and movement in the feet …

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